Monday, January 3, 2011

HIV and AIDS prevention

Fast Car: Travelling Safely around the World

is a racing game that helps you to learn about HIV and AIDS prevention and takes you on a tour of some of the World's Heritage sites.

The game aims to provide young people with accurate and reliable information about HIV prevention, intending to educate and entertain as well as promoting healthy behaviour. In this game, the player can race on circuits on five continents, and virtually visit some of the UNESCO World Heritage sites. It also presents images of sites and interesting facts about them as players race by.

There are two tracks for each continent - a Preliminary track and a Championship track. Every track has a set of check points. At the check point, one can take part in a Mini-Quiz, and possibly earn a time bonus. In the mini-quiz, the player will be asked a multiple-choice question related to HIV and AIDS prevention.
Download here

Be safe today, tomorrow and everyday!


Anna Lee M. Fos
Youth/Research/Human and Trade Union Rights Monitoring Officer
Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP)
TUCP-PGEA Compound, Masaya & Maharlika Sts., Diliman, Quezon City
Mobile: +63 908 584 0541/+63 917 855 1225
Direct Line: +632 922 0917/433 2208
TUCP Fax: +632 921 9758
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